Dynaton Devotion to Sound + Image

Dynaton is a global leader in Sound + Image technology. Our mission is to improve your Sound System beyond what you believed possible!

Dynaton License

In order to purchase Dynaton OEM Products, your company must be a registered Dynaton OEM Customer and you also need a Dynaton License. If you are not already registered as Dynaton OEM Customer follow this link to register today to enjoy the many benefits. It is free to register as Dynaton OEM Customer.

You will find basic information about the Dynaton License in this section. Even though we recommend that you carefully read and understand the “Formalities”, the “General about Dynaton Licenses” section and the “Register as Dynaton OEM Customer” section, you may go directly to the Dynaton Licenses.

Note: Dynaton License is only available to registered Dynaton OEM Customers.


All Dynaton OEM Products are applicable for licensing per default. This means that your company must have a valid Dynaton License in order to purchase Dynaton OEM Products, implement Dynaton Products and Technology in your products/applications and manufacture/distribute/sell products featuring Dynaton Products and Taechnology.

It must be noted that no transfer of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) or any other kind of ownership occurs by entering the Dynaton License. Dynaton is the sole owner of all IPR, products, technologies and rights at any time. The Dynaton OEM Customer is granted right to implement Dynaton Products and Technology, manufacture/distribute/sell products featuring Dynaton Products and Technology upon payment of applicable royalties for such Dynaton Products and Technologies.

Payment of applicable royalties does not result in any transfer of IPR, products rights or technology rights. All rights remain property of Dynaton at any time.

It is illegal to use Dynaton Products/Technologies, implement Dynaton Products/Technologies, manufacture with Dynaton Products/Technologies, distribute products that include Dynaton Products and/or Technologies as well as selling any product that includes Dynaton Products/Technologies without appropriate Dynaton License and applicable royalty payment.

After the above formal warnings, we can proceed to more general information about the Dynaton License.

General about the Dynaton License

Dynaton offer OEM Customer 3 different levels of the Dynaton License Agreement. The differences between the 3 types of License Agreements can be seen under:

    • Dynaton Extended License
    • Dynaton Standard License
    • Dynaton Basic License (New in 2015)

All of the listed Dynaton Licenses allow an OEM Customer to use, implement, manufacture with, distribute products featuring Dynaton Products/Technology and sell such products provided applicable royalties has been paid according to the License Agreement.

Unlike some License Agreements there are no repetitive License Payments by any of the Dynaton Licenses – however, there are still some applicable MOV (Minimum Ordering Value) per year.

This means that the applicable NRE (Non Recurrent Expense) related to setting up a Dynaton License is a “one-time-fee” that must be paid before the Dynaton License becomes valid. Payment of the NRE does not relieve an OEM Customer from payment of applicable royalties.

A Dynaton License is automatically renewed until one of the parties should decide not to continue the Dynaton License. In such case the OEM Customer must stop using, manufacturing, distributing or selling products that include Dynaton Products/Technologies.

It should be noted that the different Dynaton Licenses results in different rights/benefits for Dynaton OEM Customers so we highly recommend that you contact the local Dynaton OEM Sales or Dynaton Global OEM Sales in Denmark in order to achieve the best Dynaton License to match your specific situation and requirements.

It should also be noted that different Dynaton OEM Products requires different (minimum) Dynaton License.

You can learn all about terms, conditions and benefits after you have registered as Dynaton OEM Customer. We strongly recommend that you start to register as Dynaton OEM Customer if you do not already have done so. (Follow this link to register as Dynaton OEM Customer),

Register as Dynaton OEM Customer

Dynaton offer OEM Customer 3 different levels of the Dynaton License Agreement. The differences between the 3 types of License Agreements can be seen under:
    • It is completely free to become registered Dynaton OEM Customer
    • There are no obligations to buy anything from Dynaton
    • Dynaton Basic License (New in 2015)
All of the listed Dynaton Licenses allow an OEM Customer to use, implement, manufacture with, distribute products featuring Dynaton Products/Technology and sell such products provided applicable royalties has been paid according to the License Agreement. Unlike some License Agreements there are no repetitive License Payments by any of the Dynaton Licenses – however, there are still some applicable MOV (Minimum Ordering Value) per year. This means that the applicable NRE (Non Recurrent Expense) related to setting up a Dynaton License is a “one-time-fee” that must be paid before the Dynaton License becomes valid. Payment of the NRE does not relieve an OEM Customer from payment of applicable royalties. A Dynaton License is automatically renewed until one of the parties should decide not to continue the Dynaton License. In such case the OEM Customer must stop using, manufacturing, distributing or selling products that include Dynaton Products/Technologies. It should be noted that the different Dynaton Licenses results in different rights/benefits for Dynaton OEM Customers so we highly recommend that you contact the local Dynaton OEM Sales or Dynaton Global OEM Sales in Denmark in order to achieve the best Dynaton License to match your specific situation and requirements. It should also be noted that different Dynaton OEM Products requires different (minimum) Dynaton License. You can learn all about terms, conditions and benefits after you have registered as Dynaton OEM Customer. We strongly recommend that you start to register as Dynaton OEM Customer if you do not already have done so. (Follow this link to register as Dynaton OEM Customer),