Dynaton Devotion to Sound + Image
Dynaton is a global leader in Sound + Image technology. Our mission is to improve your Sound System beyond what you believed possible!

Dynaton CubiQ PSU
The CubiQ Selector is one of the key products in the groundbreaking Dynaton CubiQ Series. It is a close companion to the CubiQ RoomIE and its main purpose is to expand the Input/Output Connectivity of the CubiQ RoomIE as well as support Home Cinema solutions.
Note: The CubiQ Selector can in fact also be used as a stand-alone Input Expansion Unit for other purposes than being the closest companion to CubiQ RoomIE.
The Best Quality Home Cinema
With the CubiQ RoomIE accompanying the revolutionary CubiQ RoomIE, you can achieve the best possible Surround Sound in your Home Cinema system – regardless of this being 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1 channels. The CubiQ Selector combine forces with the CubiQ RoomIE in regard to supporting Input/Output at the highest possible level. For instance the Analog Surround Sound Input/Output share ressources between the CubiQ RoomIE and the CubiQ Selector – and this enables the combined system to support even the ultimate High-Quality Sound from e.g. Dolby TrueHD Home Cinema.
Analog or Digital Truthful Sound?
Unfortunately the Home Cinema market is a Jungle of different standards – and a lot of misunderstandings in general. This makes it difficult to achieve the best possible Sound Quality from your Home Cinema system simply because it is so easy to make a poor decision when setting the system up – and in many cases simply using the Out-Of-Box defaults are not resulting in the best possible Sound Quality.
The market for TV, Video and Home Cinema is in a constant change – and this makes it difficult always to have the best equipment. With the Dynaton CubiQ Series products, we took the full consequence and applied a simple philosophy that we know is the best in High-End Stereo: Use the shortest possible signal-path and do not include “silly” functions and features that do not have a direct impact upon securing the best possible Sound Quality. In all Home Cinema systems comprising of Component Audio Products (where you have your DVD/Bluray DVD Player in one box and your Surround Sound Amplifier/Receiver in yet another box) you are paying for no less than 2x Surround Sound Decoders – because there is a Surround Sound Decoder in your DVD/Bluray Player and yet another one in your Surround Sound Amplifier/Receiver. Should Dynaton follow the general principle of having a Surround Sound Decoder inside the CubiQ RoomIE or CubiQ Selector then you would pay for at least 3x Surround Sound Decoders and hand on heart, you only need one… So we simply decided not to implement any Surround Sound Decoder in the Dynaton CubiQ Series Products as this would increase the price unnecessarily. Instead we prefer to give you the best solution that money can buy you and focus on the core: Truthful Sound!
If you look at the Home Cinema market in general the Movie Source has been the fastest changing with new systems all the time – and this means that your Home Cinema then becomes “obsolete” when new systems are introduced. Your look at the everlasting battle between different Movie Sources. First there was only TV, then came VCR’s but in no less than 3 different (and incompatible formats) Betamax, VHS and Video 2000 – then the DVD Player emerged also to be more or less a dinosaur of time today as Bluray DVD replaced the DVD. For a brief period of time there was Bluray 3D and now there is 4K and even possible 8K upcoming… The same goes for the Surround Sound Audio Formats – they keep on changing so our general advice to the clever Movie Lover is to buy a new Movie Player as the first investment in order to keep up with the ever changing formats. The reason that this is the clever investment is that the Movie Player will always have all the latest technology and if you just is patient in a couple of minutes then you can in fact benefit from the latest technology in your existing Home Cinema without having to swop all the equipment.
In terms of sound if you make sure always to buy a Movie Player that has Analog Outputs (which is not always the case so be aware of this when buying a new Movie Player). The advantage of having Analog Outputs is that this enables you to enjoy the latest Sound Format without necessarily to have 100% compatible equipment. Many Movie Lovers (and some Music Lovers that matter) believe that “Digital is better than Analog”. This may or may not be the case – it really depends… At the bottom-line it genuinely does not matter if you have Analog or Digital Sound if you do not make sure that you Control the Weakest Link as No Chain is Stronger Than The Weakest Link. In Home Stereo and Home Cinema the weakest link is by no way an issue of Analog or Digital Sound – the Room is always the Weakest Link so no matter if you have Analog or Digital Sound you cannot enjoy the best possible Sound Quality if you are not in control of the Weakest Link. To control the Weakest Link you need a CubiQ RoomIE!
If you do not have a CubiQ RoomIE then your errors from perfection are in the +15dB/-35dB range – and then it totally do not matter whether you have Analog or Digital Sound as the Movie Sound (or Music) is “destroyed” anyway… But with a CubiQ RoomIE and a CubiQ Selector you can use your Analog Sound from your Movie Player and reduce the error from perfection to typically +/-1dB. This is a far greater – and much more easily audible – improvement than worrying about your Movie Sound being Analog or Digital.
Tip: You will get Truthful Sound from your Movie Player’s Analog Output with CubiQ RoomIE and CubiQ Selector and this is far better than any Digital Sound that is not using Dynaton RoomIE…
Another potential advantage of using the Analog Outputs from your Movie Player is that you can then also surpass Digital Effects in your Surround Sound Amplifier/Receiver and that may also help improving the ultimate Sound Quality. So you should not really worry about using Analog instead of Digital in your Home Cinema!
That said you can of course also use Digital with CubiQ RoomIE and CubiQ Selector. All you need to do is to (manually) set-up your Movie Player to output LPCM Digital Output Format. This is by far the best option as it secure that you will never have Compressed Digital Audio but will enjoy the best possible Digital Sound Quality.
A word of warning: When using S/PDIF Coax or Toslink/Optical Digital Outputs from your Movie Player you will by default have Compressed Digital Audio – and honestly this is not what you want! You did most likely not buy an expensive modern Movie Player to get Compressed Digital Audio that has “destroyed” a lot of the Movie Sound information. You do not enjoy MP3 Compressed Audio Files – so why accept Compressed Digital Audio when you enjoy your favorite Movies? If your equipment cannot support the uncompressed LPCM Digital Format on your S/PDIF Coax or Toslink/Optical Digital Outputs then you will have far better Sound Quality when connecting the CubiQ RoomIE and the CubiQ Selector via your Analog Outputs!
Note: The S/PDIF specification do not formally support anything else than Compressed Digital Audio in Surround Sound so we do generally not recommend using S/PDIF for Digital Surround Sound! This means that you your use your Analog Outputs instead to achieve Truthful Sound!
The only Digital Sound that currently work with an uncompressed Digital Signal is HDMI.
So for best Truthful Sound, we recommend either Analog Outputs from your Movie Player – or connection via HDMI with uncompressed LPCM output.
More Input Sources and Functionality!
Another function of the CubiQ Selector is to allow you to expand the number of Input Sources. You simply just mount the Add-On Modules that you need to tailormake your CubiQ Selector to suit exactly your demands. This is also a truly unique feature of the Dynaton CubiQ Series Products that we allow our customers to yourself decide which functions that the CubiQ device should have.
The CubiQ Selector is also the born partner to the CubiQ Line Amplifier as this becomes a complete High-End Audio Preamplifier. Add the CubiQ RoomIE and you have an unbeatable Truthful Sound of the highest Sound Quality. You can then complete the full chain by connecting our DeQo Active Loudspeakers and enjoy both fantastic Sound Quality and beautiful products that can match virtually any Interior Design.
The CubiQ Selector follows the Dynaton CubiQ Series Product philosophy and is a fully user-configurable High-End product. This means that you decide what functions and what level of Sound Quality you want! The CubiQ Series Products have up to 7 slots on the Rear Panel where you can configure functions and Sound Quality level.
On the CubiQ Selector you can e.g. choose the Analog Inputs as well as the Analog Outputs as your please hereby having even better Sound Quality. This is simply done by mounting the Add-On Modules that you desire, upgrade the Software and vupti, your CubiQ Selector then have new functionality and match your demands much better than anything else in the market.
If you need additional Inputs to support your different music and movie sources then you can buy extra Add-On Modules to change the configuration of the CubiQ Selector to match exactly what you need. With CubiQ RoomIE you are in control – and you do not need to pay for functions or features that you do not need as well as you do not need to be constrained by choices that someone else did on your Audio Product.
This makes CubiQ Selector to – probably the World’s first – truly modular High-End Audio Selector Product. Still there is more benefits: All CubiQ RoomIE Series Products has an Expansion Bus so you can interconnect different CubiQ Series Products and avoid having a mess of cables. You can of course also choose to use your favorite Interconnects in a traditional way. You are in control with the CubiQ Selector!
There’s Much More…
If you are a true Audio Purist then you can replace the CubiQ Standard power-supply unit with a Low-Noise CubiQ PSU Plus that will give you just that little extra Sound Quality that raises your CubiQ to the next level. As you probably understood by now – there are many options and you are in control all the way. Can you get that from anybody else but Dynaton CubiQ?
With a little basic skills you can configure the CubiQ Selector yourself but you can also have your local distributor or local retailer do it for you. We recommend to consider letting your local distributor or local retailer assist in the personalization of your own CubiQ Selector as this secures that your Product Warranty is not jeopardized in any way.
Everybody can create Truthful Sound
The user operation of the CubiQ RoomIE is so simple that any child could create Truthful Sound from any Stereo or Home Cinema without any previous experience or Room Acoustics know-how. All you need to do is to hold the Measurement Microphone, start the Dynaton RoomIE Analysis which is done simply by pushing the two buttons on the frontpanel of the CubiQ RoomIE and then the CubiQ RoomIE automatically does all the hard and very complex scientific mathematical calculations. When the Dynaton RoomIE Analysis is done – and this takes only a moment – then you immediately can enjoy Truthful Sound. It is a mindblowing experience the first time because you never expected that a Home Stereo or Home Cinema can deliver so fantastic Sound Quality!
As one of the Hi Fi Reviews of an older similar product from one of our Dynaton OEM Customers wrote in his review of the Copland DRC-205: Sometimes you should switch the Dynaton Digital Room Correction off, just to remind you how good this product is and what it does to your Sound Quality.
Talking about easy User Operation the CubiQ RoomIE uses SmartPhone App’s instead of oldfashioned Remote Control Units. This means that also your Remote Control can be upgraded simply by upgrading/changing your SmartPhone App!
We could go on and on and on about all the good about the Dynaton CubiQ RoomIE but perhaps it is better that you investigate for yourself. We are 100% confident that you will be satisfied and amazed to learn how good your Stereo or Home Cinema actually is when giving the perfect conditions to really deliver their Sound Quality.
How should Your CubiQ Selector look?
It is not only the functions and features that you can control with Dynaton CubiQ Series Products. You can also decide how your personal CubiQ Selector should look!
As default you can choose Black/Silver or White/Silver – and if you have more Dynaton CubiQ Series Products you can stack them horizontally or vertically as you please. You simply move the Expansion Bus Slot between Bottom Mount or Rear Panel Mount to hide interconnections if you do not like to see the cables (but you can of course continue using your favorite Interconnect Cables as you please).
If you want to go for an even more personal look you can buy Dynaton CubiQ Trimmings that can change the main chassis to a lot of different colors. So you are always in control with Dynaton CubiQ also when it comes to the Look and Feel of the product.
Let me have a CubiQ Selector now…
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